Hunting license

美 [ˈhʌntɪŋ ˈlaɪsns]英 [ˈhʌntɪŋ ˈlaɪsns]
  • 狩猎执照;狩猎许可
Hunting licenseHunting license


a license authorizing the bearer to kill a certain type of animal during a specified period of time
Synonym: hunting licence hunting permit game license


  1. Cleveland-It 's illegal to catch mice without a hunting license .


  2. Only hunting license , no firearm licence required . Isn 't that great ?


  3. Your hunting license was pulled .


  4. Anyone who intends to hunt or catch wildlife that is not under special state protection must obtain a hunting license and observe the hunting quota assigned .


  5. In a hunting license issued by the foundation ontology construction is completed , the use of software to a hunting license issued by the Protege ontology modeling .


  6. From ordering rare steaks and no gossiping to crying in a corner of the room and getting a hunting license , some of these tips sound like common sense , and some seem to be ... questionable .


  7. For forestry application system of the unique characteristics of wild animals and plants in Guangzhou as a case management information system to make it a hunting license issued by the ontology model and the model is documented , generating the tree structure to achieve visual query Finally , discussion .


  8. Building a hunting license issued by the sub-ontology model , and to achieve a hunting license issued by the clear , standardization , standardization and sharing into a target , modeling the range of management information system for wildlife hunting license issued by the subsystem .


  9. Hunting without a license will land you in trouble .


  10. Hunting without a license , is that the charge ?


  11. The Regulation on Abuse of Dominant Position Analyzed Article 19 Anyone engaged in the hunting or catching of wildlife shall observe the prescriptions in his special hunting and catching license or his hunting license with respect to the species , quantity , area and time limit .


  12. Many problems caused by the lack of legal status the hunting right , such as the main provisions of hunting rights shall not complete , the object is not clear and the hunting license is too general .
